Today is a wonderful blessed day! Today was the 1 year mark from the day that we were able to finalize our Boo Boo's adoption! We celebrated family style.
We woke up and brought the kids into our bed for some Saturday morning cartoons...I love it when we are able to start out a little lazy on Saturdays! We then got the kiddos breakfast, gave them a bath, got ourselves ready and gave Boo is gift....his very own smell good like Daddys!
After that we went to the rest-a-want of his choice (it just happens to also be Mommy's favorite!) Then Daddy took Boo on their first father/son hike, we had just gotten one of those hiking backpacks for kids to ride in and they enjoyed their time together...even though they ended up in the middle of several rattle noises (I would have freaked...those snakes scare me silly!) Apparently Boo said his famous, "wats dat?" and lifted his feet up a little higher! They were gone about 2 hours and the Princess and I enjoyed some shopping and chatting with a friend while they were gone.
We all came home a took a nap...woke up and went to Dairy.Queen for supper and ice cream, came home and had some family fun and now the kiddos are sleeping very soundly in their cozy little beds.
If any of you know us IRL, you know the fight we had to get to a year ago legally make him ours. Now he would have been 'ours' forever even if the state would not have allowed us to adopt him, when you bring a little one home at 6 days old and have him for 21 months he WILL be yours forever...
Thankfully that day ~August 1st 2008~ came and we had a BIG celebration! Boo managed to fill the courtroom and then some to standing room only because there were so many people that were so excited that this was finally going to happen! Then we went home to have an open house celebration with cheezy turkey sandwhiches, yummy cake, and punch...after which we had a smaller time with close friends and family at the very same rest-a-want that is now his favorite!
The day was filled with so many mad I was at my father for missing the first part of the hearing (adoption hearings aren't very long...15-20 minutes tops) what could be so important that he HAD to be on his phone NOW! It was my Aunt from Chicago and her daughter-in-law with 2 daughters and the brand new baby boy and they didn't have directions to the courthouse! I forgave my dad and burst into tears because I didn't know they were coming and it was a nice suprize! How the judge reacted when our lawyer said what the adoption was costing us (a wopping $75 ~ it is good to make your lawyer your best friend...thanks Eric! You can have all the pork chops you want on us...any time!) All the wonderful people that we had with us that day. And the pictures that we took because our lawyer had our son drinking out of a shot glass...thankfully it was only lime juice! The fact that DSS was SHOCKED at the number of people that showed up to the finalization, and the fact that DSS just didn't know what to say about that.
Oh I could go on forever and ever, and that is just about the adoption process. Not the health fight and eventually victory that Boo went through, not the process of terminating his cleary not so capable birthmother's rights (I wish more than anything that when the Lord brings us another baby, that this time we will be able to have a HAPPY story to tell our child about his/her first mother.) And then the battle with DSS about the fact that my husband was a pastor and we were not giving Boo the freedom to make his own religeous decisions (hello...he came to our home at six days old and at finalization he was 21 months old...what kind of religeous thoughts does a child of this age have?)
Anyway, the Lord had greatly blessed us with our Princess and our Boo. Now we just keep praying for EDH and/or OOH to come home soon! We love you already and cannot wait to meet you one day and learn your story/walk your journey with you!
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