
Saturday, October 31, 2009


Many people have asked why we do not celebrate or take part in anything to do with H.alloween. Not even a pumpkin with a face on it! Well, I read a blog today that really puts it the best and you can check it out here.

And basically, the bottom line has to do with that the day has so much to do with things that are not of God. It is a day that Satan uses innocent looking pumpkins and cute little ghosts to run is also a day that has close ties to witch craft and S.atanic worship. While and I am not as well versed or studied as Mrs.Fink is, I do know that those types of things are what I personally want to stear clear of and I also do not want to raise my children in it either. I appreciate my husbands firm stand in this area...and if you really do want to understand better...please check out this blog.

May you prayerfully consider if this is truely something that a born again Christian needs to be a part of...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My husbands blog!

My husband had mentioned a while back that he was interested in having a blog of his yesterday I decided to set one up for him since he just had never gotten around to it! Our family has recently adopted a new motto, if you will, in our qwest to serve God with everything and that motto is:

"No Reserve, No Retreat, No Regrets" Which actually is a quote out of the Bible of William Borden who died at the age of 25 serving God with his life. You can read more about him here.

But my husbands blog is his own, but it is! You should go check it out, and if you feel so inclined add it to your RSS feed! Who knows how often there will be something there, but I do hope it to be a way that he can share what I believe to be one of the most godly minds/hearts I have personally met. I have not met a man who desires to serve God more than my husband, and it doesn't matter what the cost. I am blessed beyond measure to have him as my spouse!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Daycare in Elmira, New York

If anyone is looking for a good in home daycare in Elmira, New York go and check out my friend Joy's blog for information. Her 'Bundles of Joy Daycare' would be a great place for your child!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15th ~ Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Today is a day that we are to remember what some try to forget, a day that those of us to desperately want to be parents pain for. Today is a day to nationally remember those who have miscarried and lost children. I have a book that came in the mail to me after one of our miscarriages...I still have no idea who it came from! But there are several things in it that still stick with me!

"Grief, by definition, is painful-emotionally and spiritually. It is especially painful when associated with the loss of a baby through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, or newborn death. We may face more intense feelings and deeper doubts in these circumstances than we have ever experienced before."

"Accepting what cannot be changed is possible when God is the foundation of our lives. But even that firm foundation can be shaken by the death of a baby."

"Your baby is gone. No one can change this fact. Nothing can bring your baby back. This is the heartbreak of miscarriage. You were looking forward to being this child's parent. You were storing up love, ready to lavish it on this new child. You were ready to welcome her into your life and to cherish her with the love only a parent can give. Suddenly, before you even had a chance to really hold your baby, she slipped beyond your grasp. Now, all your expectations and hopes for this child are gone, and all your preparations seem pointless."

"One mother described her feelings after her miscarriage by recalling an incident that happened when she and her husband were newlyweds. While swimming in a river, her wedding ring slipped off into the swift current. Despite their frantic searching, her ring was gone forever. She felt sickened, disappointed, and inconsolable. She valued her wedding ring tremendously. She blamed her own carelessness. Her husband tried to comfort her by offering to replace it. He meant well, but she became angry. It was her ring, and it was gone. To her, there was no replacement for the ring that symbolized their love and commitment. The loss of this intimate part of her life was the closet she could come to describing her anguish after her miscarriage."

"Slow down and take a few quiet moments to consider what is happening to you and how you can handle the events and emotions flooding you right now. The, after this quiet time, you can make decisions and take the appropriate actions."

These are just little nuggets from the small book, "When Your Baby Dies ~ Through Miscarriage or Stillbirth" by Louis A. Gamino & Ann Taylor Cooney

Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekend to Remember

So this past weekend my husband and I were able to attend our first ever Weekend.To.Remember! Let me tell you, anyone that has not done this before SHOULD do it right away! We had three speakers at the conference: Greg.Speck, and Doug&Patti.Daily...each of them were great speakers and really brought out some serious issues in marriage and how to achieve matter what stage of your marriage you are in!

They break the conference into 10 sessions, 9 or them are spent together as a couple and session 8 is broken into one session for men and another for women. This is mostly based around how to have a godly relationship with your spouse, but it does offer up ideas for parenting as well (very few in comparison to the marriage.) The best thing about it is that it is all about 'owning YOUR stuff!' So if you do choose to go to one please know you are not going to go and get your spouse fixed up and you will just sit their while THEY change...

My husband and I went with a very good attitude, in fact on the way there it was a longer trip than expected due to bad weather and I told him, "I am kind of nervous" He asked why and I told him, "because I am going to find out all the things I am doing wrong." You know what, I did see many areas I needed to improve...but it is presented in such a none offensive way that I walked away actually thinking I had a chance! We are excited to work on the things that we recognized as needing attention and we look forward to what God has in store for us in the future!

This is definitely something that we will do again a 'refresher' course. I once heard someone say that we spend months and months preparing for our wedding day, but very few hours actually preparing for marriage. This Weekend.To.Remember is just that, helping you get the tools that you need to make your marriage a success!

Check one out! We had people from every stage of wedded bliss there...some engaged couples, a newly married (as in THAT day), some that had been married for a matter of weeks, and some that were married as long as 38 years! There were also happily married couples there, along with couples that came as a last resort before divorce! So matter where your marriage falls, it is for YOU!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

LOVE this song!

"Famous One"
~Chris Tomlin~

You are the Lord
The famous one
Famous one
Great is your name
In all the earth
The heavens declare
You're glorious, glorious
Great is your fame
Beyond the earth

You are the Lord
The famous one
Famous one
Great is your name
In all the earth
The heavens declare
You're glorious, glorious
Great is your fame
Beyond the earth

And for all you've done
And yet to do
With every breath
I'm praising you
Desire of nations
And every heart
You alone are God
You alone are God

You are the Lord
The famous one
The famous one
Great is your name
In all the earth
The heavens declare
You're glorious, glorious
Great is your fame
Beyond the earth

The morning star
Is shining through
And every eye
Is watching you
Revealed by nature
And miracles
You are beautiful
You are beautiful

You are the Lord
The famous one
Famous one
Great is your name
In all the earth
The heavens declare
You're glorious, glorious
Great is your fame
Beyond the earth

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Are you kidding me???

So we are praying so hard for our E & O to come home...A & E are at 3 years (both adopted) and we cannot imagine loving any child more than we love them! My heart just breaks for this child "D" and the fact that after 18 months with a family he is being GIVEN UP! Poor child, I don't know what went wrong here but PLEASE know that "D" has done nothing in his 18 short months on earth to deserve being left by a road and then adopted into a 'FOREVER FAMILY' just to be given up because SHE DIDN'T BOND with the child. Seriously?!?

You can read the story here....what is this world coming to?