
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Seriously...can we all just figured it out?!?!?

I have one little pet peeve (or a few more than that) and that is if you have some beef with me or my family please do not run around 'seeking advise' {aka ~ gossiping} to every tom.dick.n.harry before even mentioning it to us.  Or my personal favorite, putting it on the 'Prayer List' all in the name of being little kindergarteners and sharing YOUR dirty laundry to make someone else look like less of a person!

Bottom line, if you are having issues GO TO THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE ISSUES ARE and get them taken care of, seriously...this is not rocket science people!  GGGrrrr...let's all work at being Christ-like and sharing the Gosspel for Eternity.  Do we not realize that division between Believers only pushes those we are trying to reach away?

PS~ and please do not send someone else to do your dirty work for you!

Friday, December 11, 2009


So, really?  Is it so terribly difficult for people to be honest with you?  My husband and I strive daily to be who we are and say what we mean.  It does seem that might be offensive to some people, seeings how we are Christians and wish people a Merry Christmas and things of that nature.  But I see it every where...the lies I mean...people not being truthful about what their business makes, people not being truthful to their spouse/significant other (in my mind parents should be two people that have been married and are living the life God intended one man and one woman!) about money and things of that nature. 

The sad thing is that you even run into lies and 'misunderstandings' in church.  That break my heart, but in my flesh it makes me mad!  A fellow believer should be one you can trust, one that you can go to if you are struggling with anything in life.  It does seem more and more difficult to find someone that will be honest with you 100% off the time.

My husband and I are fortunate enough to have friends, a married couple, with whom we really honestly could share anything and they with us.  It is sad to only have one 'set' of friends like that, but you know what...we are thankful for them!  I teased the wife this summer about how they cannot ever go anywhere because we need them in the nursing home playing pinochle with us! 

So, to all who read this please take into consideration trying to be honest throughout today...and if you want to take it a step farther lets go for an entire week.  It really isn't difficult, and once you get to the point of being an honest person you sleep much better at night! 

Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Never Fear" lyrics...

Over a month ago I promised the lyrics to a great song and now I am following through on that promise....sorry it is a little late!

~Never Fear~
Just a precious jewel from God
Loaned to us awhile,
Though we thought of you as ours,
We always knew you were God's child.

He kept you here on earth
So your beauty here could shine,
But He's chosen to take you Home with Him
In His perfect time.

That precious jewel shines in Heaven now
Much brighter and more clear.
God's perfect and more clear.
God's perfect plan has been fulfilled,
And we must never fear.

Never fear, trust in God
Though you don't understand;
He'll help you through by leading you
With His tender loving hand.
Never fear, trust in God,
He'll be your faithful guide.
He'll walk with you through trials of life,
He is ever by your side.

A great song!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hello....a post, no really....a REAL post!

I realize that my blogging has really gone away in the last few months...and that somewhat bothers me and it somewhat didn't!  Until I realized that my VENTING wasn't getting out...

I have been torn between stopping all together because I really do not want people to know me THAT well and really starting to log my life completely here...

Maybe it is time for me to really embrace the inner me, the Michelle Duggar, the Mama that wants to have to drive a BUS!  Well, maybe 18 kids isn't for everyone...but you know what?  If it were an option I wouldn't say no, in fact it would be a blessing.

I know, I know...our fundraiser this summer showed me that many people think that I am being selfish and that I have already 'stolen' two children from deserving mothers and wonder why I would want to take more children away.  Well that isn't at all how I feel about adoption and they are not going to stop me from trying my hardest to bring home Baby E or Baby O!  We are currently in a process of getting all of our debt paid off (exept our home) in the next 4 1/2 years and you better believe that at that point if we have not already we will be signing paperwork with our marvelous adoption agency!  So our fundraiser was a flop, well not completely...we raised $230 of our $9000 goal!  Ultimately we are needing around $25000 for our adoption, but if we can get 9-10k we could contract!  It will take a miracle for us to be able to come up with that kind of cash before the 4.5 years is up...but God can do anything and His timing is most important.

Adoption is what is on my heart and what is on my mind most days....I love my little peanuts, and they would love a brother and a sister {so would their Mama!}

HP TouchSmart giveaway at MckMama

MckMama is giving away a GREAT HP TouchSmart 600 and you should check out the contest on her blog!  I am entered...are you?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Some excitement...

So, maybe some break through in this terrible PCOS weight battle.  Not at the moment, but once I scrounge up $350 to get started on the Ideal.Protein Diet.  A friend was kind enough to pass along some information to me and it is healthy and safe, and the people that work with you get PCOS and understand what the battles are.  Like working out faithfully at the gym for half a year now and GAINING 12 pounds!  My husband put it best, he told me that he thinks I could eat nothing for a month and still gain weight...oh the wonderful blessing of PCOS!  I am ready to be healthy, I am ready to not look like I could be pregnant, I am ready to not have my second child figure I have a baby in my tummy (my first child went there last night), I am ready to be the pretty person that my husband married 7 years ago....though he loves me the way that I am.  Goal: get some money saved up and start no later than February 1st 2010.  Sounds like if you have some will power it can work pretty quickly for a person...I am game, I AM GAME!  Bring it!