
Friday, December 11, 2009


So, really?  Is it so terribly difficult for people to be honest with you?  My husband and I strive daily to be who we are and say what we mean.  It does seem that might be offensive to some people, seeings how we are Christians and wish people a Merry Christmas and things of that nature.  But I see it every where...the lies I mean...people not being truthful about what their business makes, people not being truthful to their spouse/significant other (in my mind parents should be two people that have been married and are living the life God intended one man and one woman!) about money and things of that nature. 

The sad thing is that you even run into lies and 'misunderstandings' in church.  That break my heart, but in my flesh it makes me mad!  A fellow believer should be one you can trust, one that you can go to if you are struggling with anything in life.  It does seem more and more difficult to find someone that will be honest with you 100% off the time.

My husband and I are fortunate enough to have friends, a married couple, with whom we really honestly could share anything and they with us.  It is sad to only have one 'set' of friends like that, but you know what...we are thankful for them!  I teased the wife this summer about how they cannot ever go anywhere because we need them in the nursing home playing pinochle with us! 

So, to all who read this please take into consideration trying to be honest throughout today...and if you want to take it a step farther lets go for an entire week.  It really isn't difficult, and once you get to the point of being an honest person you sleep much better at night! 

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