
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Extramarital Affairs

Did you know that an extramarital affair is just an escape from reality or a search for fulfillment outside of marriage?  This means that an 'affair' can come in many different disguises!  Think about it...
*Fantasy (which can include porn.ography and/or romance novels)
*An actual love affair

So are you the kind of person that seeks outside activities to be involved in a little too much, how many boards are you on?  Are you the kind of person that needs the newest latest things to keep you happy?  Are you a work-a-holic that just cannot say no because you are too busy getting ahead with your job to take time for your spouse?  This one is very common, it seems like something for the greater good when you 'sacrifice' your relationship with your spouse to spend time with the family driving the kids to all their sports and recitals when you could be taking just one night a week to devote to your spouse?  Do you have troubles with getting away into a fantasy land either in your thoughts or in what you watch/read and that tends to take the place of a relationship with your spouse or at the very least cause a gap between you?  Or are you one that has taken it to the next level and actually been involved with someone other than your spouse?  Each of these usually start with small steps and Satan can use those small steps to, in a sense, seduce you to get deeper and deeper until they have a stronghold in your life. 

It is not what God has in mind for a marriage relationship.  I am sure each marriage has suffered at least one of these 'affairs' at some point and time, but again...bring it back to the Bible and recommit yourself to finding joy and fulfillment in your spouse! 

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