
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A new obsession...

If any one of you that read this knew me well say, oh, ten years ago you would probably think this was a joke...I even had a rather derogatory name for these marvelous wonders! It wasn't nice, trust me, it just wasn't...and as I pay respects to wonderful purse designers like my favorite *Kathy.Van.Zeeland* I must say, really I didn't know what I was missing...PLEASE forgive me!

One might say it is a vain obsession, one might say it is a waste of money, but seriously...with ~handbags~ as AWESOME as these, how could you resist! 

Now it all started when I worked at this marvelous little consignment store downtown...before my babies were born!  They got me into some pretty cute purses...I am thinking of one very adorable pink Liz.Claiborne. that looked like reptile skin, I still get visitation rights every now and then since I gave it to one of my friends!  But what really got me into these things is when I bought my first K.V.Z bag!  I was just trasitioning out of a diaper bag and wanted something big enough to carry one or two extra diapers and a small travel wipes case, along with all the other needs a girl might have of her own.  The search was on, until one day the beautiful Kris from S.R. (the store I used to work at) gave me a call with a purse she thought was right up my ally...well, it was...that would be #5 in the picture.  My very first KVZ bag with the baubles and all!  It shimmered, it was still very neutral, and it was big enough...or so I thought.  I ended up with a second black KVZ with gold detail that previously mentioned friend also received because just was not big enough.  ENTER ~ purses #1 & #3 in picture!  Both are the great Kathy.Van.Zeelands work and I love LOVE them to pieces.  I used the zebra for Spring/Summer and the steel mirrored one for Fall/Winter.  Then I happened upon a GREAT deal in purse #2 just a few weeks ago, also a KVZ but TIGER STRIPE....seriously, for the price it was I just couldn't!  It was so exciting when we returned home a couple weeks ago from East River and there was a nice large box sitting by the door welcoming me!  And just on Sunday I was pegged...we went to the towns Home Show and there was a .Purse.Diva. booth there, I stopped to take a looksie and she got me with a, "you look like a lady who appreciates a fun purse."  CanIGetA...mmmmmmmmhhhhhhmmmmmmm?!?!?  So I came home with #4 the dreamy teal bag!

So it starts...most likely a life long relationship with these wonderful purses...I can still see a few colors missing from this line up that I would like to recruit for the team, so I signed up to host a Purse.Diva party on July 13th will be an open house come and go as you please kind of party...come check it out and see if you can find something that you just cannot live me, you will never regret bringing home a new addition!  You just might regret leaving the wonderful beauty there though!  But seriously, I am still all KVZ, and I sorta feel like I cheated on her with the most recent purchase!  But don't worry because I still have my eye on SEVERAL of your bags Kathy!

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